Visual Rhythms – Where Art Met Music in the Garden

As part of our Loveday Arts programme, we were thrilled to celebrate art and the summer alfresco at Loveday Abbey Road with Visual Rhythms.  This event for all of our Members was delivered by our immensely talented Artist In Residence Grace Holliday. Below she shares an account of the workshop:

Visual Rhythms was an exciting live art event showcasing the crossover and innate connections between music and visual design. Loveday Members enjoyed the brilliant sunshine and beautiful sensory gardens at Loveday Abbey Road, whilst collaborating together to ‘mark to the beat’ to an inspiring setlist of opera performed live by classical tenor Harry Kersley. This was a brilliant opportunity to socialise, observe and absorb creativity in many different forms. 



Across the pop-up studio, each Member was invited to adorn one of the triptychs of canvases with expressive marks and organic scenes. Individually, these each captured a completely unique take on the brief - whilst together emerging narratives started to appear. These prompted interesting and engaging conversations and observations throughout the event. At one point in the workshop, there were multiple artists working in sync with one another, creating masterpieces that were growing, layering and multiplying as the sounds and reflections danced across each surface! 

The work produced in acrylic explored a range of mark-making techniques - from washes to impasto features and tonal dimensions. All were created using a range of brushes and making whilst standing, sitting and with choreography of gestures that captured the dynamic atmosphere of the afternoon. During the painting and the wonderful afternoon tea as a point of reflection, Members were telling me how much they had enjoyed the experience overall and how ‘terrific’ and ‘inspiring’ the artworks produced were. The studio space soon evolved into a pop-up gallery for all to enjoy as the sun cast shadows and illuminations across each painting. 

A highly successful event that was a pleasure to develop and deliver as the Loveday Artist in Residence!


Published: 15th of September 2023 by Loveday & Co

Tagged: Extraordinary Days, Loveday Abbey Road

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Lisa Nichols from the Membership Team

Lisa Nichols

Victoria Radmore from the Membership Team

Victoria Radmore

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